About us

The Non-Profit NDERF Organization and NDERF.org

How are they related and how are they different?


NDERF.org is the website that collects NDE information via an experiencer questionnaire and shares NDEs and related information with the world. This is a free website. NDERF has established itself as a leader in NDE research and global outreach.

NDERF 501(c)(3) Non-Profit

Although legally, NDERF 501(c)(3) is not connected to NDERF.org, it is the organization that will provide continuity for the NDERF.org website in the future and it is the action arm of the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation. This means that NDERF non-profit actively shares NDE-related information by educating individuals and the world. We hope to mobilize people towards loving and compassionate actions.

NDERF's Mission

Non-profit 501(c)(3)


The Near-Death Experience Research Foundation, Inc. is a close affiliate of NDERF.org that is dedicated to the research and dissemination of information about NDEs and related experiences for the purpose of better shaping our understanding of the world around us and our place in it.


NDERF.org needs a mechanism to survive in the future to provide a heritage for future generations. NDERF non-profit can provide the continuity of the website so we can continue our research and share it with the world.


We serve an emerging awareness that near-death and related experiences provide important evidence about life after death and the purpose of our earthly existence. We believe that investigating these experiences will facilitate positive individual transformation and encourage global peace and understanding.

Donate Now

If you have benefited from NDERF.org and would like to help continue our work, please consider a monthly or one-time donation. Monthly donations help us to budget our operations better. Thank You!